VO 1.8.260 includes:
- The 'station under attack' notification received by keyholders of conquerable stations now includes what station is under attack.
- The word 'cockpit' is no longer filtered in chat.
- Turret fire delay now persists between leaving and entering turrets.
- New Amazon GameCircle 2.0 support; requires the app to be updated through the Amazon Store.
- Players can now decline a guild invite if they are already in a guild.
- Horizontal scrollbar in Jettison menu was not visible if any items' names were too long, hiding the individual 'J' buttons.
- Chat messages are more robustly handled during the tiny instant while you jump between sectors.
- Keychain error messages now include the name of the player you were attempting to give the key to.
Larger changes are in the works, potentially including some content drops as well as new ships and graphics. A lengthy "status" post will be coming in the near future, and a newsletter following after. We've had a number of people out sick and traveling lately, which has delayed some upcoming announcements by a couple of weeks; but I expect to have a firmer timeframe next week. Take care all!