VO 1.8.226 includes:
- New Trade Reparation missions, allowing recovery of standing to "Dislike" with a minor faction for a 20 million credit payment (once per week usage limit). Thanks to TheRedSpy.
- New nation logos. The new logos appear in the character creation menu and in the upper-right corner of the menus for the stations of the three nations.
- Fixed a bug with capship menus not showing mission timers.
This marks the debut of our new logos for the Serco, Itani and UIT major nations. There are also more simplified B&W versions for other uses down the road. You can also expect to see a number of other logos introduced in the near future, for the various minor factions and corporations, along with icons to denote the station classes. This, along with a lot of other work going on behind the scenes, is part of an initiative to expand and improve the graphical content of the game, and add in some long-planned aspects of factional differentiation.