Bugfix and content release. The Server is still in process and unfinished, so the inventory reset has been delayed. In the meantime, however, you can see the various new stations and other content we've added to the game. Changes can be found in sectors 5, 7, 9, 14, 15 and 18. All the added stations use the new "modular component" architecture. Advertising for various in-game shops and companies has been added, using a new language designed for the game (information on the language will be available in due course).
New Sounds. A new sound effect has been added for the Gatling Gun and Advanced Gatling Turret. This is not the final sound effect, but at least adds some variety until the final version is completed. The default weapon noise has been filtered to (hopefully) be a little less grating. The turbo noise has had its bass reduced due to excessive complaints of rattling windows and frightened pets.
Bugfixes. The ATI bug should now be fixed, allowing Mac users of the Radeon 9000-9800 series cards to play the game once again (and re-enable doshaders and dovertexbuffers for those who had used that workaround). Additionally, according to ATI the bug is not present in their Panther driver. ATI will be releasing a new driver for 10.2.x which will also implement the fix for those OS versions. For the moment, however, we seem to have worked around the bug sufficiently to make the game playable on all versions of OS X. Thanks to ATI for working with us to address this issue.
Collision detection has been improved a little. The "32 character name" bug has been fixed. A sprite rendering bug has been addressed. HUD elements are now always filtered unless Point filtering is selected. The media.rlb format has been changed and the jpeg textures stripped of comment data and thumbnails (ugh: Photoshop) to save a few megs from the release distribution. Because of the changes to the jpegs, the new stations, advertising, etc.. this version requires about a 14mb download. On the other hand, the overall size of the game has been decreased.
Please continue to report any bugs you discover. Thanks, and enjoy!