This release adds a number of rendering and collision detection optimizations that should improve performance. Many bugs and crashes have been fixed, although there are still a few yet remaining.
New features:
A teammate carrying a flag now shows up at a "+" on radar. Added mousewheel support for scrollbars and listboxes under Linux/Win32. Character names now max at 63 characters.
Added the commands:
/ignoretarget (ignore chat messages from selected target)
/givemoney [username] [amount] (user being given money must be in the same sector)
The following toggle types of blips on the radar displays:
/togglemissiles (default binding shift-m)
/togglecargo (shift-c)
/toggleobjects (shift-o)
/togglewormholes (shift-w)
/togglefriendlies (shift-f)
/togglehostiles (shift-h)
Plus many other minor changes and fixes.