2.7.1 is now out, including a great many fixes and gameplay changes. This patch will be a bit larger than the earlier ones (about 2mb), due to some required media updates. The deathmatch game cycle has been reduced to 15 minutes (from 30 minutes) and the scores have all been reset because of this.
Gameplay changes:
Light ships are much faster and more maneuverable. Medium/Heavy ships are also somewhat improved. Mines are more powerful and plentiful. Lightning mines are more powerful and less plentiful (per powerup). Health powerups give more health. Energy-based weapons use slightly more energy. Swarm missiles are now much more deadly. Mines and homing missiles will no longer hit your ship (when laying/firing them). Your current bounty is added to your score at the end of the game cycle.
Many bugs have been fixed, especially network-related issues. Some bugs still remain, but more debugging tweaks have been put into place to help us track them down. As always, please report any bugs you find. The Linux version in particular still has some issues, these will hopefully be resolved in the near future.